A transit event in the suburbs proved to be a snowy case study about why reliable transit service is essential to our metro ...
On the shores of the Baltic Sea, in the south of Denmark, a vast engineering marvel is taking shape — piece by giant concrete ...
The bond would raise $20 billion to help build rail projects, roadway overpasses, electric-vehicle charging stations and non-motorized transportation projects such as ...
Franck Beaumin joined the agency in October after the role went unfilled for years. He is listening to riders, and trying to ...
A limited service operated as a shuttle has commenced on a 1·8 km southern extension of São Paulo suburban rail Line 9 ...
Battle Ground City Council approved a resolution stating they opposed any extension of light rail into Clark County that is part of the IBR project.
Regional Transportation District ridership grew by only .1%: from 65.17 million in 2023 to 65.23 million in 2024.
State Rep. Ellen Troxclair filed HB 3879 which would prevent local governments from using taxpayer money to repay future bond ...
VTA has filed a legal complaint against its striking workers, claiming it’s a breach of contract.
Opposition to light rail on the planned Interstate 5 replacement bridge continues to grow in Clark County’s small cities.
The $7 billion light rail project unveiled its draft environmental impact statement in January. The project could face ...
It’s no secret that our existing light-rail system is a disappointment, currently of particular relevance only to those ...