Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Gazprom PJSC și-a vândut unitățile de tranzacționare a gazelor din Austria și Italia către o firmă de investiții din Dubai, înființată cu mai puțin de un an în urmă. EGH Gulf a achiziționat Centrex ...
Miliardarul Daniel Kretinsky dorește să readucă retailerul en-gros german Metro AG în proprietate privată, la peste cinci ani după ce o tentativă similară a eșuat. EP Global Commerce, compania lui ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Irina Pană Actualitate Coordinator of social media team and particularly interested in small businesses and young entrepreneurs (movers & shakers). Also, I edit the 30 Under 30 lists. I graduated from ...
Guvernul Ungariei a acceptat dreptul de preempțiune al capitalei pentru achiziționarea unui vast teren în centrul Budapestei, pe care premierul Viktor Orban intenționa inițial să îl vândă unui ...