Job offers, onboarding and on-site interviews will all be in attendance. Career advice and interview practice will also be ...
Whether enrolling in college or a two-year program, learning a skilled trade or enlisting in the military, the newly ...
Thomasville's TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program has successfully reduced the stray cat population, preventing the birth of 1.8 million kittens through community involvement and education.
The cemetery, located on Fleetwood Drive, dates back to the 1800s, with its earliest known burial around 1850 and the last ...
A lightning strike takes out New Covenant Church's computers, phones, and Wi-Fi, but the church is undeterred, continuing to serve the homeless with determination and resilience.
Now, "based on the feedback received, FDOT will continue with only elements of the Thomasville Road resurfacing work," a ...
For now, the plan remains to eliminate the road's center turn lane and make it one way southbound for up to two years.