Keep DIVERSITY of species in mind– communities should take steps to choose varie-ties that do not dominate the landscape currently. Follow this guideline: A CTAP/public tree inventory* is an excellent resource for managing community trees. Go to https://ndcitytrees.org/NorthDakota/ , click ‘Explore Cities’. Find your city and click on it.
North Dakota Tree Handbook - NDSU Agriculture
The Species List by Common Name is an alphabetical listing of woody plant species within each of the four size categories: shrubs, small trees, medium-tall trees, and conifers. Species List by Scientific Name lists all 85 plants in alphabetical order by genus and species.
Native Trees of North Dakota Common Name Scientific Name Boxelder Acer negundo Water Birch Betula occidentalis Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Black Ash* Fraxinus nigra Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum Ironwood Ostrya virginiana ...
Top 20 Most Common Trees in North Dakota - PictureThis
North Dakota, located in the United States, boasts a climate and soil composition that nurtures the growth of various native trees. Among these are Green ash, Box elder, and American basswood, which thrive in the state's unique ecological conditions.
ND Tree Selector - NDSU Agriculture
North Dakota State University is distinctive as a student-focused, land-grant, research university. NDSU Agriculture educates students with interests in agriculture, food systems and natural resources; fosters communities through partnerships that educate the public; provides creative, cost-effective solutions to current problems; and pursues fundamental and applied research to help shape a ...
The Tree: Selected as the state tree of North Dakota, the American elm is our most beautiful shade and street tree. It is native throughout the state, especially along streams
Dec 12, 2011 · The following are descriptions of trees and cultivars growing in North Dakota. It is not a complete list, not all trees are appropriate for all areas of North Dakota.
Native Plant List for North Dakota, South Dakota and Western …
This is a "starter" list of native plants for North Dakota, South Dakota and Western Minnesota. It is intended for residential or commercial landscapers who want to create attractive and varied native landscapes.
Recommended Trees for North Dakota Communities
A guide to recommended trees for North Dakota. Learn about the different species of trees that are recommended for North Dakota communities, and the importance of plant diversity.
North Dakota Native Trees and Shrubs — Urban Forestry South
This 2-page factsheet is a list of native trees and shrubs of North Dakota, gives both common and scientific names. 8.5" x 11" Publisher North Dakota Urban and Community Forestry Association