City of Pearland, TX | Home
City of Pearland Videos. The Track; Council Meetings; Adventures with Edu-Katie; All Videos; 3519 Liberty Dr. Pearland, TX 77581. City Hall / Main Line. 281.652.1600. Careers Directory E-Alerts Pearnet Service Request Permits Water Billing. Created By Vision - Where Communities & Government Meet.
Departments | City of Pearland, TX
The City of Pearland is broken up into 20 departments to serve you. Each department works with one another to ensure outstanding customer service. Administration
About Pearland | City of Pearland, TX
As the fastest growing city in the Houston region, Pearland has everything your company needs to be successful. Affordable housing, outstanding schools, safe neighborhoods and superb quality of life has led to tremendous growth in Pearland.
Pearland History | City of Pearland, TX
Throughout the 1940s, Pearland slowly grew back to approximately the same population as before the 1900 hurricane. By 1949, the city took its first steps towards becoming a town with the development of the Brazoria County Water Control and Improvement District Number Three.
Office of External Affairs | City of Pearland, TX
The Office of External Affairs bridges the City of Pearland with its community, stakeholders, and legislative bodies. Focused on legislative affairs and strategic partnerships, this office advocates for the city’s interests and strengthens connections to foster growth and progress
Looking for assistance? Click Here to access our Video Library for how-to videos and helpful tips. to access our Video Library for how-to videos and helpful tips.
Garage Sale Applications | City of Pearland, TX
The City of Pearland has transitioned to a new garage sale application process within a platform called Cityworks. Residents will now have the option to complete the garage sale application online. Along with this, a new option to pay the application fee online has been added for …
Government | City of Pearland, TX
Get to know your Pearland mayor and councilmembers. City Elections Find general election and candidate information. Agendas, Meeting Video and Minutes View the city's meeting agendas and other public documents. Boards & Commissions Read about the city's many boards, commissions and committees, who currently serves and how to apply ...
City of Pearland GIS
Discover, analyze and download data from City of Pearland GIS. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS.
Engineering | City of Pearland, TX
This information is provided as a technical resource for the design and construction of projects within the City of Pearland. The designer can modify the standard details offered with approval by the City Engineer.