YouTube premiere tips - Google Help
Scheduling your premiere at least 24 hours in advance gives audiences around the world an opportunity to see the thumbnail in their subscriptions feed. Choose your custom thumbnail carefully since this image will be on your premiere landing page. To tease the content and to build excitement, consider adding some text in the description of the ...
Premiere a new video - YouTube Help - Google Help
YouTube Premieres let you and your viewers watch and experience a new video together in real time. Create buzz for your Premiere by sharing the watch page so viewers can set reminders, chat, and leave
Customize your Premiere - YouTube Help - Google Help
Select Set as Premiere checkbox SET UP PREMIERE. In the "Set up premiere" popup, select the countdown theme and length from the drop-down menus. Show a trailer Get your live audience excited about your upcoming video by showing a trailer of it on the Premiere page. Your trailer will play for viewers on the watch page before the Premiere starts.
Première di un nuovo video - Guida di YouTube
YouTube Première consente a te e ai tuoi spettatori di guardare e scoprire nuovi video insieme in tempo reale. Stimola il passaparola sulla première condividendo la pagina di visualizzazione per conse
YouTube Premiere tips
Scheduling your premiere at least 24 hours in advance gives audiences around the world an opportunity to see the thumbnail in their subscriptions feed. Choose your custom thumbnail carefully since this image will be on your premiere landing page. To tease the content and to build excitement, consider adding some text in the description of the ...
Premiere video baru - Bantuan YouTube - Google Help
Dengan premiere YouTube, Anda dan penonton dapat menonton dan menikmati video baru bersama-sama secara real time. Umumkan premiere Anda dengan membagikan halaman tonton agar penonton dapat menyetel pengingat, melakukan chat, dan memberikan komentar.
Use Live Chat during your live stream or Premiere - Google Help
Live Chat lets you have real-time interactions with your viewers during live streams and Premieres. To view your Live Chat, click the down arrow at the top of the chat menu and select Top Chat or All
Premiere eines neuen Videos - YouTube-Hilfe
Die Premiere wird gestartet, sobald das Video verarbeitet wurde. Wenn du die Premiere für später planen möchtest, klicke auf Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt festlegen gib ein Startdatum ein setze ein Häkchen bei Als Premiere festlegen. Um ein Countdown-Design und die gewünschte Countdown-Länge auszuwählen, klicke auf Premiere einrichten.
Créer un compte Google - Ordinateur - Aide Compte Google
Important : Lorsque vous créez un compte Google pour votre entreprise, vous pouvez activer la personnalisation pour les entreprises. Un compte professionnel facilite également la configuration de la fiche d'établissement Google, ce qui contribue à améliorer la visibilité de votre entreprise et à gérer vos informations en ligne. Lorsque vous créez un compte Google, nous vous …
Use Live Chat during your live stream or Premiere
Live Chat lets you have real-time interactions with your viewers during live streams and Premieres. To view your Live Chat, click the down arrow at the top of the chat menu and select Top Chat or All