Home: AR Portal at NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Atmospheric River Portal. Access information, images, analyses, diagnostics of current conditions, forecasts, and projects related to atmospheric rivers (ARs). More on ARs...
AR Forecasts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The graphics below are designed to forecast the presence and strength of Atmospheric Rivers using data from the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS), North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM), and Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) models.
Atmospheric River Observatories - National Oceanic and …
Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are the regions of extratropical storms where high winds and water vapor are concentrated. These factors combine to produce heavy rainfall upon landfall, especially over mountainous terrain.
AQPI - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
AQPI includes a combination of observations and forecast models to improve prediction of precipitation, streamflow and coastal flooding, which builds on an existing network established by NOAA, DWR and Sonoma Water to monitor extreme precipitation in California.
Satellite Obs: AR Portal at NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Automated Atmospheric River Detection From NOAA/ESRL/PSL The following shows the Automated Atmospheric River detection technique designed and run by NOAA/ESRL/PSL applied to SSMIS water vapor imagery.
atmospheric river observatory (ARO) designed to further our understanding of the impact of ARs on enhancing precipitation in the coastal mountains and the high Sierra of California. A West Coast network of AROs was implemented along the California, Oregon, and Washington coastlines with funding from the California Department of Water
NOAA PSL Climate Data Repository - Atmospheric Rivers
Map Room; Plotting & Analysis Tools; Subseasonal Tropical Forecasts; ... California Atmospheric River - January 2-9, 2017. California Atmospheric River - January 2-9, 2017. Greenland AR - GFS Forecast 14-29 July 2016. California AR Event - Feb 05-09, 2014. Atmospheric River hitting California - Dec 9-19, 2014 ...
Precipitation Forecasts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
This page contains 1, 3, 5, and 7-day Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF). The products are produced by Dr. Jason Cordeira of Plymouth State University as a cooperative effort with CW3E using the NOAA/NCEP Weather Prediction Center and the NOAA/NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) Model. The WPC QPF data are plotted on a ~5 km grid and the ...
Physical Sciences Laboratory - National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...
The plots linked below compare precipitation observations from a vertically-pointing radar with similar observations from the closest WSR-88D scanning radar operated by the National Weather Service.
About: AR Portal at NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) are relatively narrow regions in the atmosphere and are responsible for most of the horizontal transport of water vapor outside of the tropics. While ARs come in many shapes and sizes, those that contain the largest amounts of water vapor, the strongest winds, and stall over watersheds vulnerable to flooding, can create ...