Driving Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC is 732 miles or 1 178 kilometers. Your trip begins in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It ends in Columbia, South Carolina.
The distance between Baton Rouge (Louisiana) and Columbia (South Carolina)
This is the distance between Baton Rouge (Louisiana) and Columbia (South Carolina) calculated in kilometers, miles and nautical miles. On the map you can see the driving itinerary, fuel consumption and estimated driving time from Baton Rouge to Columbia.
Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC - Distance …
Baton Rouge and Columbia are 10 hours 51 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC. The halfway point is Mount Meigs, AL. Please note the time difference between Baton Rouge, LA and Columbia, SC is 1 hour.
Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC is 732 miles or 1 178 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC is 643 miles . This is equivalent to 1 034 kilometers or 558 nautical miles .
Distance from Columbia, SC to Baton Rouge, LA - Distance …
Columbia and Baton Rouge are 10 hours 51 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Columbia, SC to Baton Rouge, LA. The halfway point is Mount Meigs, AL. Please note the time difference between Columbia, SC and Baton Rouge, LA is 1 hour. The current time in Columbia is 2:28 pm and the current time in Baton Rouge is ...
How far is Columbia from Baton Rouge - driving distance - Trippy
How far is Columbia from Baton Rouge? Here's the quick answer if you don't sleep at all, or you have a friend with you so each person can drive some of the way, letting you make the entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 732 miles or 1178 km. Driving time: 10 hours, 29 minutes.
How far is Baton Rouge from Columbia - driving distance - Trippy
How far is Baton Rouge from Columbia? Here's the quick answer if you don't sleep at all, or you have a friend with you so each person can drive some of the way, letting you make the entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 732 miles or 1178 km. Driving time: 10 hours, 29 minutes.
Distance from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC, miles and hours
Baton Rouge to Columbia Frequently Asked Questions: How many miles from Baton Rouge, LA to Columbia, SC? Mileage from Baton Rouge to Columbia by road is 732.7 miles or 1179.17 km;
Driving directions from Columbia, SC to Baton Rouge, LA
Driving directions between Columbia, SC and Baton Rouge, LA. Estimated driving time is 10 hours 51 mins, with an average speed of about 48 miles per hour. If you want more accurate directions from your actual position or to a certain place or …
How far is Columbia from Baton Rouge, Distance, How to get …
Distance between Columbia and Baton Rouge is 1029 kilometers (638 miles) in United States. Also calculate the driving distance and how far is it the travel time.