Billy Turner | South Park Archives | Fandom
Billy Turner is a 3rd grade student at South Park Elementary. He made his only appearance in the Season Nine episode, "Erection Day", and was later mentioned in "Tsst", as a victim of Eric …
Billy Turner - South Park Archives - Cartman, Stan, Kenny, Kyle
Billy Turner is a 3rd grade student at South Park Elementary. He made his only appearance in the Season Nine episode, "Erection Day", and was later mentioned in "Tsst", as a victim of Eric …
Billy Turner | South Park Character / Location / User talk etc ...
A younger student at South Park Elementary and a relatively shy kid, Billy Turner is a dedicated but nonetheless poor saxophone player who has been noted for his narrow shoulders.
List of Characters | South Park Character / Location / User talk …
Billy Turner. Blanket Jefferson. Blonde Boy With Freckles. Bridon Gueermo. Carol's Younger Daughter. ... Mr. and Mrs. Turner (Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics) Maggie Yates. Yellow …
Sons a Witches - Wikipedia
"Sons a Witches" is the sixth episode in the twenty-first season of the American animated television series South Park. The 283rd overall episode of the series, it originally aired on …
Characters in South Park: Other Students - TV Tropes
"South Park: The Stick of Truth" has a kid with a similar design called "Billy" as well, implying they're the same. Vocal Dissonance : In "The Stick of Truth, many of the girls voices sound …
Tsst/Script | South Park Archives | Fandom
Okay, I'm sorry I handcuffed Billy Turner's ankle to a flagpole and then gave him a hacksaw. And then told him I had poisoned his lunch milk and that the only way he could get to the antidote …
Tsst/Trivia | South Park Archives | Fandom
At the beginning of the episode, Cartman is in Counselor Mackey's office for bullying Billy Turner, who had actually fat-shamed and bullied him beforehand. Though it is not well known, Eric …
s10e07 - Tsst - South Park Transcripts - TvT
May 4, 2006 · ♪ Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine ♪ Mrs. Cartman, we have had it with your son's behavior, m'kay. Little Billy Turner is now being treated at the hospital.
List of Characters | South Park Character / Location / User talk etc ...
Billy Turner. Blanket Jefferson. Blonde Boy With Freckles. Bridon Gueermo. Carol's Younger Daughter. Casey Miller. Charlotte's Brother. Connor. Corey Lanskin. Dougie O'Connell. ...
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