Caravan Brahmin not movin [possible solution] :: Fallout 76 …
Oct 25, 2024 · Sometimes when it gets stuck, it might help to place Power Armor right behind it. Worked 3 times out of 5 so far. I dunno, worth a try at least. o/
fallout 4 - What is the use of Brahmins in settlements? - Arqade
Nov 29, 2015 · According to post on the Steam Community forums brahmin increase the productivity of the settlement. The game doesn't tell you what purpose the brahmins serve when they initially start spawning in your settlements. However, once you randomly start running into the wastelanders on the road who want to sell you one, you can find out in their dialogue …
terminology - Origin of the name Brahmin in fallout - Arqade
Dec 2, 2015 · Brahmin are a caste of religious teachers in Hinduism. Does the FO4 name for cows, Brahmin, have anything to do with this? I was thinking it's possible since Hinduism reveres cows.
Why TF Cant I Milk Brahmin? :: Fallout 76 General Discussions
Nov 8, 2023 · I Swear Whenever I Find Brahmin No Matter What I Cant Milk Them. Any Help On This Plz?
Caravan got stuck? :: Fallout 76 General Discussions
Sep 17, 2024 · The Brahmin legit just stopped and wont move?
Assign Brahmin to what? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
Feb 2, 2016 · Since the last patch, when in workshop mode it now has the option to "assign" Brahmin. But to what? I tried assigning them to their feed troughs, to a seetler etc., but cannot find an answer. Anyone know?
How/Where do I build a Brahmin Feed Through? :: Fallout 4 …
Brahmin do tend to congregate around troughs, but they can get drawn/chased away. A better question is, how does one "round up" the 4-5 brahmin just outside Finch Farm... You dont. Honestly you are best off killing those brahmin because the gunners will attack them, then the gunners get in range of your settlement.
Tryin to build a brahmin ranch :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
Jul 2, 2016 · Hay there fellow vault dwellers! Say, I have a question about building settlements. You see, I decided to make a large bramin ranch out of the Starlight Drive In after I saw how much room there was in the open to build there, plus it has a natural waterin' hole. It's perfect for mutated cattle ranchin'! I have most everything built, but after placing several bramin feed …
Is there a way to pen up the Brahmin ? :: Fallout 4 General …
Apr 3, 2016 · My Sanctuary brahmin - who I've named Betty - is the complete opposite. Just sits her her fat butt all day chewing cud. Probably the most docile brahmin in the Commonwealth. Still, she's popular with the settlers and produces healthy irradiated milk guaranteed to cause cancer. Much better post than a third, fourth or fifth person posting to build a brahmin trough.
Brahmins, what is the actual point of these things? :: Fallout 4 ...
May 1, 2024 · Aside from being load carriers for traders and on trade routes, what actual purpose do Brahmins serve in the grander context of the game? Other than being a damn nuisance that is. They just sloth around the settlement, getting in the way all the time, appearing on roofs, inside rooms, or inside or on top of anything you care to build or place at your settlement.