Courthouse Information - Chambers County, TX
The Chambers County Courthouse is open Monday through Friday and is accessible from the west ground-level entrance. Note that although there are several other doors on the other sides of the building, these are all fire escapes, and cannot be used as regular entrances.
County Clerk - Chambers County, TX
The role of County Clerk varies throughout each of the 254 Texas counties, but in Chambers County takes on a range of responsibilities, overseeing staff, records, and the collection of fees for a spectrum of judicial bodies, including civil, criminal, juvenile, and probate courts.
Records Search - Chambers County, TX
Our court records portal offers comprehensive access to Chambers County court records, spanning across the District, County, and Justice of the Peace courts. Within this platform, you have the capability to search court records using a variety of criteria, including name, record (case) number, and specific date ranges.
County Court at Law - Chambers County, TX
Chambers County Standing Order for Family Law Cases (PDF) If a Defendant needs an interpreter for a hearing, trial, or plea please give the court a week advance notice.
Case Records - Chambers County, TX
A case record is an official collection of documents and information related to legal proceedings in a court of law. It includes case details, legal documents (pleadings, motions), court orders, transcripts, evidence, and sentencing information.
District Clerk - Chambers County, TX
Our Online Chambers County Portal where you can register to view case records and purchase available documents; and Coming to either of the District Clerk office locations to view records on our public access terminals.
Judicial Addresses - Chambers County, TX
Physical Address 404 Washington Avenue 3rd Floor Anahuac, TX 77514
Commissioners Court - Chambers County, TX
The Commissioners Court serves as the main governing body of Chambers County and plays a crucial role in overseeing various county functions. Commissioners Court is composed of each precinct's commissioners and the County Judge.
Justices of the Peace - Chambers County, TX
Justices of the Peace, representing each justice precinct within the county, are elected to serve a four-year term. Each Justice of the Peace is required to obtain 80 hours of continuing education during their first year in office and 20 hours annually thereafter.
344th District Court - Chambers County, TX
General Information There are no local rules. This Court goes strictly by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. Visit the Texas Judicial Branch website for more information. The court begins at …