sanding the color coat before the clear? | TalkBass.com
Jun 18, 2002 · Would wet sanding the color coat with 1000 grit paper be wise before spraying on the clear? I'm using dark cranberry dupli color, and while it doesn't say it's metallic, it sure looks it. I've read that you shouldn't sand before the clear, but the surface looks a little rough.
sanding prior to clear? - TalkBass.com
Feb 19, 2012 · Yeah, the color will look horrible after sanding, but the clear coat will fill the scratches and give a nice, smooth finish. The aim of sanding the color coat is to flatted down any flaws in the paint to prevent the next coat to get the same flaw. You …
Help with clear coat on headstock refinishing - TalkBass.com
Jun 12, 2001 · Between sanding sealer/ primer and base coat, hour minimum. Between base/color and clear, according to manufacturers recommendations. For nitro, 30 minutes, for acrylic lacquer 1 hour. Base or color is usually 2 coats depending on coverage and clear is around three double coats (a pass and then back over the same area before next half overlap ...
Clear coat over enamel question - TalkBass.com
Jan 30, 2018 · If it is a base coat designed to be cleared, there is usually a 24 hour window that it can be cleared. If cleared after that it will de-laminate. That is why you see so many cars on the road with peeling clear. If base coat sits too long before clearing, you can usually put a fresh coat of base over it and then clear it.
tinting an already applied clear coat - TalkBass.com
Apr 3, 2005 · When I sand before applying a glaze I usually use 400 grit. The sanding must be very even and any scratches or marks will show up badly when the glaze dries. I like the oil based glazes and stains because they dry slower. Mineral spirits for clean up. The clear coat over the top will probably have to be a polyurethane.
Clear coating flat metallic rattle can paint - TalkBass.com
Jun 12, 2001 · 1. Being it's a metallic finish, should I sand between color coating sessions? (Eg: 3 coats, wait a couple of days, sand and 3 more coats, etc) 2. As for a clear coat (most likely a matte or satin), should I sand the metallic color coat first? Any suggestions on what type of clear coat? (Eg: rustoleum, poly, etc) Thanks for your help!
Are there Benefits to Sanding/Buffing the Clear Coat? - TalkBass.com
Jun 10, 2022 · To answer your first question, sanding/polishing the clear coat will not make it harder or more durable. But, as far as appearance goes, it depends on the type of finish that's on the guitar. It matters if it's a new factory finish or a vintage nitro or a DIY spray job, and also how well the finish was applied.
sanding sealer on alder before primer for a solid colour finish?
Nov 4, 2022 · If the wood is filled and sealed properly, all a light color primer coat really does is help to see the initial evenness of coverage while spraying the color coat. The primer coat should be very thin and could be a nonspecific solid light colored lacquer, such as how Fender sprayed a thin coat of Desert Sand before custom colors such as Fiesta Red.
White specks in clear during wet sanding/polishing?
Apr 5, 2007 · When I started wet sanding, I noticed some tiny white spots in the clear that I couldn't sand out. They're only on the side of the body, and they still remain even after sanding up to 2000 then polishing. They definitely weren't there during the painting process - my paint and clear coverage was good.
Finish questions, Krylon content - TalkBass.com
Jun 27, 2005 · The problem is some of the sanding scratches are still visible in the color coat under it. Barely, but it's enough for me to notice looking at extreme angles in fluorescent lighting! I guess that's probably because I didn't take too much care in cleaning up the color scratches because I figured the clear would melt to it, since I didn't know ...