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  1. Copilot Answer

    6 Types of Wild Grass & What You Need To Know!

    • Loved by livestock everywhere, this tall grass once covered a third of all land in North America. Indian Grass can be identified by its golden plume-like seedhead. Later in the year, the grass turns a ric… See more


    Often seen alongside Indian grass, Switchgrass is native to Canada, the US, and Mexico. It’s considered an important grass by the USDA because it stabilizes soil and pre… See more

    House Grail
    Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem is a shorter wild grass that only grows up to 3 feet tall but is found in every lower 48 US state except Nevada. The grass starts a gentle blue color, which gradually tr… See more

    House Grail
    Prairie Dropseed

    Prairie Dropseed is some of the most refined grass among all wild grasses, and its outwardly curving leaves give it a lush, fairytale appearance. Despite that, this grass can s… See more

    House Grail