From rags and pads to the sanitary apron: a brief history of period ...
Apr 25, 2023 · In the 1930s the first tampons came onto the market. They were described as “internal sanitary napkins”. Menstrual cups made from rubber also date back to the 1930s – …
What did women use before tampons and pads? - Clue
Nov 21, 2018 · This inspired the first cellulose Kotex sanitary napkin, made from surplus high-absorption war bandages, which was first sold in 1918. By 1921, Kotex had become the first …
Sanitary Napkins and Menstrual Pads of the Past and Present
Mar 10, 2025 · Johnson & Johnson's sanitary napkins were said to be the first commercially available disposable sanitary protection products for women in the United States. The earliest …
“Solving Woman’s Oldest Hygienic Problem in a New Way”: A …
Mar 4, 2016 · The advances of the 1920s and 1930s still impact our lives, as sanitary napkins, tampons, and cups remain go-to products, improved upon over time but not abandoned.
Explore 19th CENTURY Feminine HYGIENE: A Deep DIVE!
Sanitary Napkins: In the early part of the 19th century, women commonly used homemade cloth pads or rags to manage their menstrual flow. However, towards the end of the century, …
Introducing the MUM Menstrual History Collection
New Freedom sanitary napkins and Wix tampons both literally offered freedom from belts and pins and promised to open up a world of new opportunities, unhindered by periods or by old …
The evolution of menstrual products - MyMed.com
The first disposable sanitary napkin The first absorbent disposable sanitary pads were a result of nurses seeking a new method to stop bleeding on the battle ground during WWI. The first …
Victorian Era Feminine Hygiene - Kristin Holt
May 21, 2016 · The first commercially available American disposable napkins were Lister’s Towels created by Johnson & Johnson in 1888**. Disposable pads had their start with nurses …
Menstrual pads, also known as sanitary napkins, were invented in the late 19th century. The first disposable menstrual pad was introduced in 1888 by Johnson & Johnson.
What Did Females Use Before Tampons? | Historical Insights
The term “sanitary napkin” started to emerge in the late 19th century, but before that, these homemade solutions were common among women everywhere. The idea of using fabric for …