Ferenc Erkel - Wikipedia
Ferenc Erkel (Hungarian: Erkel Ferenc Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈɛrkɛl ˈfɛrɛnt͡s], German: Franz Erkel; November 7, 1810 – June 15, 1893) was a Hungarian composer, conductor and pianist. …
Ferenc Erkel | Hungarian Composer & National Hero | Britannica
Ferenc Erkel (born Nov. 7, 1810, Gyula, Hung.—died June 15, 1893, Budapest) was the founding father of Hungary’s national opera in the 19th century and composer of the “Hymnusz,” the …
English | erkel.oszk.hu
Ferenc Erkel (1810–1893) was one of the greatest masters of the Hungarian musical romanticism, who not only as a composer, but as a public man took over a huge task.
Erkel Ferenc – Wikipédia
Erkel Ferenc dédapja (Erkel Vilmos), nagyapja (Erkel József) és édesapja (ifjabb Erkel József) jól képzett muzsikusok voltak. Az idősebb Erkel József kitűnő zenei felkészültségének híre …
Erkel, Ferenc | Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe
Ferenc Erkel (1810–1893) played a major role in the creation and dissemination of national consciousness in 19th-century Hungary, as both the composer of the Hungarian national …
Ferenc Erkel and the Birth of Hungarian National Music
Jun 15, 2023 · Ferenc Erkel, the greatest Hungarian composer and conductor of the 19th century, is widely celebrated for his contributions to classical music. His legacy, which continues to …
Erkel, Ferenc | Encyclopedia.com
Erkel, Ferenc (b Gyula, 1810; d Budapest, 1893). Hung. composer. Cond. Budapest Nat. Th. 1838–74. Founder and cond. Budapest Phil. 1853–71. Prof. of pf., Hung. Nat. Acad. of Mus., …
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