Eorzean Photo Spots
A collection of GPOSE friendly homes, studios and roleplay-venue locations to suit all of your in-game photography needs. Submit your location to the Google Form here, or join the Discord Server to open a submission ticket!
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Eastern Star Studios
Welcome to our wonderful FFXIV Gpose Studio, located in the Far East and within the Mist. Our locations are all on the Coeurl Server of the Crystal Data Center. While it is optional, we have message books in each location.
Lunar Studios
The official carrd for Lunar Studios, a gpose studio venue where you get your picture taken for free!
Meadow Studio
A GPOSE photo studio for FFXIV. Welcome to meadow studio 's home page! Here you can find a bit about the studio's current & past set-ups. if u would like us to see your poses please feel free to use the hashtag #meadowstudio. we …
Hype Studios XIV
hype studios ffxiv is a gpose and dance studio that caters for people who love taking ingame photography and doing video projects such as dancing, making content etc. since oce lacks a …
Does anyone know of some good photo studios on NA databases?
I’m looking for some good photo studios I can use for G-posing and taking pictures of my character. I want some nice backgrounds to work with. I know of a really nice one but it’s …
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Setting up a simple Gpose studio – nyanya.studio
In this guide I’ll cover a very basic studio set-up that I use for pose preview screenshots. The main perk of this studio is that it allows you near complete freedom with your lighting, as it doesn’t depend on furniture lamps to light the …
The Studio
· Group Pose can be activated by typing "/grouppose" or "/gpose" in the chat. You can also drag and drop the icon for gpose onto a hotbar for easy access, which I recommend doing for this guide because you will …Up to24%
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EoE: GPose Studio/Lighting/Portrait/Photoshop Guide : …
It looks like a really lovely guide, beautifully presented, but it wouldn't work for what I do, I need the light sources to be mobile and re-positional in the GPose tool depending on character position/emote/expression.
FFXIV: GPose Studio & Portrait Guide – aeyvi
Sep 26, 2017 · Perform your emote and if you wish, your facial expression. Type /gpose and enter the group pose tool. Press R to get your GPose menu up (or whatever your autorun is bound to). Pick the angle that you want your …