Fasco Fillers & Additives > Graphite Powder - Fasco Epoxies, Inc.
See results only from fascoepoxies.comGraphite Powder Filler SKU: FIL11. Graphite Powder. Not rated yet. 0. Select Size. $11.99; Qty: In stock (610 items available) Add to cart. Add to compare. Add to wishlist OR. #graphite …
Graphite Powder Filler - Easy Composites
Graphite powder is a dark grey coloured filler than can be added to resins and gelcoats to reduce friction or add anti-static properties. It can also be used as a natural looking dark grey pigment in casting resins. Available to buy online in …
Fiberglass Supply Depot Inc. > Putty/Fillers > Graphite …
Graphite Powder. Preferably for use with epoxy resins. The epoxy/graphite mix can be used in teak deck construction to simulate the look of seams and to protect the epoxy from sunlight. Cures to a black color. Add to mixed pot up to …
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SIGRATHERM ® Highly Conductive Expanded Graphite Powder
Thermally conductive fillers and additives for plastics
With our SIGRATHERM ® GFG graphite powders, thermal conductivity e.g. of a thermoplastic can be increased to a higher degree at a given filler level than by using any other additive material or graphite powder.
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423 Graphite Powder | WEST SYSTEM Epoxy
Epoxy thickened with adhesive (high-density) fillers strengthens structural bonds, bridges gaps, and fills voids. Epoxy thickened with fairing (low-density) fillers is easily sanded and shaped after it cures.
Fasco Epoxies, Inc. > Fasco Fillers & Additives
Fasco Epoxies Inc. has been manufacturing quality Epoxy coatings and Epoxy glues for over 50 years.
FMSC - Graphite Powder
Graphite Powder is a black filler that may be added to epoxy, urethane, or polyester resins. This very hard product will add abrasion resistance and provide a low-friction surface to the finished part.
West Systems 423 Graphite Powder - Aircraft Spruce
423 Graphite Powder is a fine black powder that can be mixed with West System 105 Epoxy Resin to produce a low-friction exterior coating with increased durability and abrasion …
- Reviews: 1
Dry Graphite powder is an odourless filler powder than can be used to add a natural looking grey/black colour to cast polymer products or as an additive to reduce friction in cast or …