How exactly does cd keys work? and is it trustworthy? - Reddit
Nov 25, 2020 · My ps plus was about to end in a few days as i usually buy a one year subscription around the black friday sales. this year i saw a ton of posts about cd keys and how much cheaper it is, so i just wanted to know how it works and if it’s trustworthy or not?
Be Wary Of Buying PS Plus Memberships From CD Keys.
The past 2 years I have bought PS Plus one year codes from CD Keys, most recently in March this year, and both times it worked perfectly. Just to add my 2 cents to any discussion.
Can I still trust cd keys for my membership? : r/PlayStationPlus
Mar 23, 2023 · I've gotten it from there for past 2 years, but I haven't since the new ps plus thing came out , if I get the 1 Yr deal will it be the bottom tier and then can i get the extra tier for the extra 25£~?
Ps plus membership on cdkeys? : r/PlayStationPlus - Reddit
Jul 2, 2023 · Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to everything PS. I saw that CDkeys offers extremely underpriced ps plus cards, ie around 60$ for a 12 month ps plus membership. My question is, which membership do these cards unlock, is it essential, extra or premium? Because extra is a 100 and premium a 120$ on the ps store. Thanks 3 Sort by: Add a Comment Nintendomandan
How long do you think it'll be until CDKeys has Extra and Premium …
Jun 13, 2022 · Well CD Keys has the PS Plus cards for $42/year.. 2 of those cards will give you 1 year of Premium.. that is $84 + tax, so you can save that way. $36 off.
CD keys ps plus : r/PlayStationPlus - Reddit
Dec 25, 2021 · So I bought my family member 2 years of ps plus with the cd keys deal currently. They already had a membership we didn't check what kind beforehand ( I know my bad) and is not on their card, and can't see past subscriptions online) , but the cd keys only started from today to next Christmas rather than stacking on what they had.
Is CDKeys a trusted site for PS Plus? : r/PlayStationPlus - Reddit
I'm going to buy a year of plus and I wanna know if CDkeys is trusted enough. I don't wanna just give the $40 away. Anyone know?
Does CDKeys respect terms of service of the PlayStation network ...
Sep 13, 2020 · Or atleast showed that there content wasn't stolen like another site had, but it still isn't that clear. Personally, after getting screwed with the ps subs renewing automatically even when I've switched it off (a couple times now) as well as games going on ps+ shortly after purchasing it, I decided I'll just use CD keys for some purchases.
[playstation plus subs from cd keys help] : r/PlayStationPlus
Oct 9, 2022 · You can buy a code from CD Keys, the only options are 1 month, 3 months, or 1 year.. all PS Plus codes are PS Plus Essential, PS Plus cards will not give you Extra, Deluxe or Premium.
Anyone else still unable to redeem PS plus codes (CDkeys)? : r
Jun 13, 2022 · I had the same issue, I contacted CD Keys and filled in all the info and now I'm waiting. It's frustrating, I was planning on extending my PS Subscription for a few years then upgrading to premium, but I don't want to do that until I can stack a few more years and max out.