Political Compass Ideologies! : r/Polcompball - Reddit
May 19, 2020 · 2.2K votes, 423 comments. 60K subscribers in the Polcompball community. Drawings involving spheroids representing political ideologies…
Different ideologies on the Political Compass - Reddit
Jan 24, 2021 · I'm a market socialist and, when taking the political compass test, spot on But that's because I'm a progressive, I'm also an authoritarian. I agree with my sapply values more that place me on the red square. However, in terms of left-right, pretty spot on
A basic Wojak Compass guide to major political ideologies (7x6)
Juche is a fascinating ideology. I have attempted to read the books written by the DPRK (bought a few throug some "Canadian" based shop) but I can only assume the officia translations are...odd. The wording is a little confusing at times and the word use can be awkward. But the core ideology boils down to independence of the state and people.
What Political Tests do you suggest I use? : r/IdeologyPolls - Reddit
Welcome to r/IdeologyPolls, a subreddit for ideology and political based polls! From hypothetical presidential polls, to questions on controversial topics, feel free to post here as long as you abide by the rules! You may also feel free to choose an ideology flair or create your own to describe your political beliefs next to your username!
Very Detailed Political Compass : r/PoliticalCompassMemes - Reddit
Apr 12, 2020 · Political service should be a duty like jury service, not a way to gain personal wealth or power, and attempts to use it too further your own selfish gains should be restricted and punished. Everybody should have a right to basic rights such as healthcare and be provided with the education and resources to enable equal opportunities.
Where do you fall on this very detailed political compass?
Nazism has been by many scholars described as a religion rather than a political ideology. You described anarcho-fascism more like nazism by the racial element. This putting the state or in the case of nazism a supreme leader before God is why the KKK and Neo-nazis have a history of division and not being allies from my research.
A Cool Guide About Political Ideologies : r/coolguides - Reddit
Sep 4, 2023 · Eco-fascism shares most every foundational commonality with traditional fascism, including reinforcement of existing hierarchical social and political structures for the oppression and marginalization of minority groups. It's easily to the right from even a center-right neoconservative ideology.
Political Compass Ball - Reddit
Political compass by me. u/theWFRM ... There must include a political ideology, but otherwise you are ...
Official Political Compass Ideology Tier List - Reddit
Dec 16, 2019 · We finally have it, ladies and gents: the first-ever official tier list for political ideologies. Since the 21st century patch brought an official end to the controversial Cold War face-off game mode, the meta has reached a relatively stable state.
What do you think of the Political Compass as a concept - Reddit
Dec 8, 2022 · The political compass offers more nuance then "left" vs "right" while being easy to understand. Its a valuable tool however, tests like the 8Values test are more accurate and advanced. At the same time, the political compass is still the best starting point for people to jump into politics with and be vaguely informed