Will a Rain Bird 1800 series nozzle fit Hunter - Lawn Care Forum
Apr 22, 2019 · Toro was the first mostly reliable plastic spray. Rain Bird 1800 was more reliable and had matched precipitation rate nozzles, not just between patterns (Q, H, F), but between sets of nozzles (8, 10, 12, 15).
Rain Bird 42sa nozzles - Lawn Care Forum
May 1, 2012 · Barring all the obvious lack of information, as WG pointed out while he was spitting up on his keyboard, lets assume limited flow, so 3 zones, 9 rotors, 3 rows, rows along the long edges get standard angle nozzles, middle row gets low angle nozzles.
Rainbird 5000 Rotor Nozzle Selection - Lawn Care Forum
Aug 1, 2008 · The 30' full nozzles were only throwing about 22'. I hooked up a pressure guage to one of the head outlets and was reading about 30 psi when the zone was running. My next plan is to go back to the standard blue nozzles which can have a lower precip rate, but selecting the nozzle #'s based on arc pattern.
VAN nozzles vs Fixed Arc - Lawn Care Forum
Aug 12, 2009 · at 10', a 180 fixed rain bird nozzle uses 0.79gpm @ 30psi, and a 10' VAN 180 uses 1.45gpm... about 80% more water. hope you leave plenty of room in your designs for gpm... :drinkup: Owned Irrigation & Landscape Lighting Business for 10 Years
MP Rotator vs RB R-VAN - Lawn Care Forum
May 13, 2018 · Around 30 nozzles total. 1 wouldn’t adjust radius. Two wouldn’t flush as advertised with clean water and filter/ nozzle. I like the concept but with 1000’s of MP’s/walla’s in the ground I’ve made my decision. After the bugs are worked out I’ll reconsider. I do like the larger drops from rain bird though
Rainbird vs. Toro vs. Hunter - Lawn Care Forum
Jun 29, 2006 · Today we use Hunter I-20 ultra rotor heads, Rain Bird 1800 PRS & PRS SAM spray heads, Hunter PGV 1" control valves. Hunter Pro-c controllers. In the 80's we used super 600, Rain Bird 1800's greenspray heads ( I still work on a system we used the Green 1800's back in 1984 and they are still working) , Nelson valves( same as a 205) and controllers.
PGP vs. 5000 - Lawn Care Forum
Apr 7, 2009 · The Rain Bird 5000 Series is hands down the best rotor on the market today. It lasts longer, performs better, has more available features and better nozzles than the Hunter PGP. Hunter has basically left the design of the PGP unchanged …
Will a Rain Bird 1800 series nozzle fit Hunter - Lawn Care Forum
Mar 22, 2007 · 💦 Irrigation & Water Management. Professional Discussions. Will a Rain Bird 1800 series nozzle fit Hunter
Rainbird or Hunter - Lawn Care Forum
Jun 23, 2007 · My two cents: Irritrol "Total Control" clock, Rain Master DX for the big boys. I-20 "Ultra" 6" stainless..PGJ or 3500 for mediums, 1800SAM series, Weather-Matic brass nozzles, Weather-Matic # 100 series brass w/#92 sweat adapters on copper risers. Remote on all sites, even if it's stuffed into the clock!
Hunter I-25 vs Rainbird Falcons - Lawn Care Forum
May 14, 2018 · What is your opinion on Rainbird Falcon rotors versus the Hunter I-25? At our school, we use Rainbird 1800 spray heads, Rainbird 5000 series rotors, Hunter I-20s, Rainbird Falcons, and Hunter I-25s.