Whipcheck Safety Cables | Hose arrestor safety cable - Superex …
Superex manufacture whipcheck safety cables for pneumatic hoses. These hose arrestors whip check provide additional safety for compressor hoses.
Hose Safety Cables | Wire Rope Assemblies
'Whipcheck' Safety Cables have been used for many years on air compressor hoses to prevent hose ends from 'whipping' if the coupling blows out of the hose. Steel cables and plated …
Chicago Coupling — Hose Safety Whip Check Products
Hose Safety Whip Check - the original air hose restraint. Hose Whipchecks are the standard in compressed air hose applications. Designed for 200 PSI air service with a 5X safety ratio. …
Safety Cables, Whipchecks, Whiplock, Whip Sock Restraints - New …
Whip Checks for hoses, also knowns as "Air hose safety cables" are an easy to use and low cost safety product to prevent injury if a hose disconnects under high pressure. Whip Checks can …
Hose Safety Cables & Restraints - Hose and Fittings.com
Hose safety cables and restraints are recommended in all pressurized hose applications in order to keep operators and job sites safe. To prevent serious injury due to hose or coupling failure, …
Safety Whipcheck for Hose Connections | SKU: P-HFSCA | Essential Hose ...
Ensure safety with the Safety Whipcheck for Hose Connections. Designed for hoses from ½” to 3½”, these steel-constructed whipchecks restrain hoses during unexpected disconnections.
whip check safety cable with copper bush
Whipcheck is a safety device used to prevent hoses from thrashing around if they break or separate under pressure. It consists of a length of strong steel cable with loops on each end …
Safety Cables | Applied
Prevent hose whipping with Dixon brand safety cables from Applied, available in King or standard sizes & holds to secure your hose systems.
Hose Safety Cables, Cable Assemblies & Wire Rope Clamps | Zoro
Hose safety cables are an extremely effective way of preventing air compressor hoses from whipping out of control after a compression connector blows. These whip check cables easily …
Hose Safety Cables - Assemblies | Express Wire Rope
Wire Rope View All Galvanised Wire Rope Stainless Steel Wire Rope Coated Wire Rope . Galvanised Fittings . Galvanised ... Hose Safety Cables. Sort By . Small Whipcheck (For …