13-1307 - Sex trafficking; classification; definitions
It is unlawful for a person to knowingly traffic another person who is eighteen years of age or older with either of the following: 1. The intent to cause the other person to engage in any …
Human Trafficking and Exploitation - Arizona Attorney General's …
Sex traffickers use grooming tactics, psychological manipulation, deception, physical violence, threats, blackmail, and/or sexual assault to get their victim to feel vulnerable, trapped and …
Human Trafficking and Exploitation | Arizona Attorney General
Report human trafficking If you believe you are a victim and are in need of resources, or if you’ve seen a concerning interaction or know someone who could be in danger, call the non …
Human Trafficking Resources - Governor's Office of Youth, Faith …
Sex Trafficking 101: An online training module with specific information for the general public, school professionals, mental health providers, and medical providers.
Arizona does NOT tolerate human trafficking | Governor's Office …
It is essential to understand from the federal definition that anyone under the age of 18 who is persuaded to perform a commercial sex act is automatically a trafficking victim.
Human trafficking in Arizona - Wikipedia
Human trafficking in Arizona is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced labor as it occurs in the state of Arizona, …
trengthen Arizona’s stance against human trafficking. The Task Force recommendations included amending laws to impact: increasing penalties against traffickers and buyers of sex; …
Arizona is a prime transit and destination area for both sex and labor traficking in the United States. Sex traficking is a high-profit, low-risk crime where the commodity, a human body, can …
13-3212 - Child sex trafficking; classification; increased punishment ...
Child sex trafficking; classification; increased punishment; definition. A. A person commits child sex trafficking by knowingly: 1. Causing any minor to engage in prostitution. 2. Using any …
Arizona - National Human Trafficking Hotline
The Hotline receives tips about situations involving sex trafficking, labor trafficking, sex & labor trafficking, as well as situations where the type of trafficking may be unknown or not specified.
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