Geo-storage of CO2 has been proposed as a possible strat-egy for mitigating global climate change. Under this approach, CO2 is injected underground into deep saline aquifers, deep un-mineable coal seams, depleted petroleum reservoirs, etc. [1]. Determining the maximum amount of CO2 that can be injected and securely contained is a key question.
Structural Trapping and Spill-Point Analysis
Figure 5: Structural traps and spill paths emanating from the same injection point for three different models of the Johansen aquifer: a high-resolution model from the CO 2 Storage Atlas of the NCS and two lower-resolution full-field and sector models generated for …
Getting Into Reservoir Modeling for Carbon Sequestration - TWA
Apr 21, 2022 · Geological carbon storage involves injection of CO 2 into permeable formations underground. MRST-co2lab is primarily designed to study injection into pristine saline aquifers but storage in depleted reservoirs is also possible.
We have studied time-lapse seismic and undertaken modeling to understand the trapping mechanisms below the structural spill point of the Utsira Formation in the Sleipner region, and have found that as much as 70% of the CO2 is stored below the structural spill point.
co2lab: Numerical CO2 laboratory — The Matlab Reservoir
The MRST Numerical CO2 Laboratory combines results of more than one decade of academic research and development of mathematical models and numerical methods for CO2 storage modeling combined into a unified toolchain that is easy and intuitive to use.
Spill-Point Analysis and Structural Trapping Capacity in Saline ...
Feb 1, 2015 · Realizable CO2 storage potential for saline formations without closed lateral boundaries depends on the combined effects of physical and chemical trapping mechanisms to prevent long-term...
Spill-point analysis and structural trapping capacity in saline ...
Feb 1, 2015 · We outline parts of an open-source toolbox for studying geological storage of CO 2. We present two classes of algorithms for computing structural traps and migration paths. We demonstrate how to compute storage capacity and identify good injection points using open data describing large aquifers in the North Sea.
Matching the reported storage capacities of regions identified
Here, we use MRST-co2lab's spill-point analysis tool to identify the structural traps in the top formation of the Hammerfest Basin. We then compare these identified traps to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's (NPD) storage capacity estimates.
Spill-point analysis and structural trapping capacity in saline ...
Feb 1, 2015 · We outline parts of an open-source toolbox for studying geological storage of CO 2. We present two classes of algorithms for computing structural traps and migration paths. We demonstrate how to compute storage capacity and identify good injection points using open data describing large aquifers in the North Sea.
We have studied time‐lapse seismic and undertaken modelling to understand the trapping mechanisms below the structural spill point of the Utsira Formation in the Sleipner region, and have found that as much as 70 % of the CO2 is stored below the structural spill point.