Eucalyptus regnans - Wikipedia
Eucalyptus regnans, known variously as mountain ash (in Victoria), giant ash or swamp gum (in Tasmania), or stringy gum, [3] is a species of very tall forest tree that is native to the Australia states of Tasmania and Victoria.
Tasmanian Oak & Victorian Ash Hardwood Timber Overview
Oct 15, 2019 · What's the Difference Between Tasmanian Oak and Victorian Ash Hardwood Timber? What are Their Main Uses? Read Our Overview to Find Out!
Mountain Ash | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) Common Name(s): Mountain Ash, Victorian Ash. Scientific Name: Eucalyptus regnans. Distribution: Southeastern Australia, also grown on plantations. Tree Size: 230-330 ft (70-100 m) tall, 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 42 lbs/ft 3 (680 kg/m 3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC):.49, .68
Oak, Tasmanian - WoodSolutions
Tasmanian oak is a premium Australian hardwood timber encompassing three species that grow in the mountainous areas of Tasmania. It is a versatile timber perfect for both construction and interior applications, including flooring, panelling, architraves and skirting boards.
Tasmanian Ash - Britton Timbers
As the name suggests Tasmanian Ash is a eucalypt species grown specifically for solid wood applications in managed plantation estates – unique to Tasmania. The Tasmanian Ash colour palate is a consistent light blond, sometimes exhibiting an interlocking and figured grain pattern.
Tasmanian Mountain Ash - Tasmanian Tonewoods by Robert …
Coming soon more sets of selectively harvested Tasmanian blackwood salvaged from the west coast of Tasmania from trees blown down in a storm. Tasmanian Blackwood is one of the most valued tonewoods a distant cousin of Hawaii Koa.
Victorian Ash - BBS Timbers
Tasmanian Ash timber is quarter sawn to facilitate drying. The colour ranges from light beige to light brown with sometimes a pink tint.
Giant ash | Parks & Wildlife Service Tasmania - Tasmania Parks …
There are several giant ash trees more than 70 metres high along the Russell Falls track at Mount Field National Park. Th ese trees are estimated to be 350-450 years old. Common name: Giant ash, mountain ash, swamp gum. Scientific name: Eucalyptus regnans.
Tasmanian Oak | Victorian Ash | Creative Timbers
Tasmanian Oak /Victorian Ash is a native Australian hardwood grown in the mountain regions of Tasmania and eastern Victoria. Has a relatively even, straight grain and brownish in colour.
Tasmanian Ash - Timberwood Panels Brendale
Timberwood Panels Brendale (formerly Revolution Wood Panels) caters to the needs of shopfitters, cabinetmakers, building and design professionals, boat builders, specialist manufacturers, and general industry. We do this through our professional expertise and diverse range of plywood, timber veneers and specialised timber panel products.