Tributary area formula - Structural engineering general ... - Eng-Tips
Apr 2, 2019 · No I don't think so, because the total load supported by the column is the same, agree for the slab/beams themselves the actions are quite different for 1/2 way spans, but the question is about the column tributary area (i.e. total load carried by the column is similar, its just quarter vs half the load comes in from each beam).
Estimate Tributary Area for a beam from the shear at support.
Dec 2, 2006 · Not sure if you talked about the interior columns but for all columns/posts I use the same approach. Tributary area = Total axial live load (from same type, same psf)/surface live in psf for that type even for columns/posts in multi-story structures. I wish CSI will provide API to get deflection values along the beams for different load cases.
Tributary Area - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips
Jun 14, 2002 · They will span the entire house continuously. If I were to apply a uniform load on the entire roof area, the reaction at the middle support would be greater if analyzed as a continuous member as opposed to applying 1/2 the roof area to the center support (note: spans are not equal length).
roof uplift - Structural engineering general discussion - Eng-Tips
Dec 18, 2006 · The Code allows you to use a tributary area, for each joist, of the span squared divided by three. That may help you. I would consider using MWFRS load, not C & C loads, for the joists, and I would certainly use MWFRS loads for the footings. You should use 0.6D + W for sizing the footings.
Tributary areas of columns and how to best calculate them ... - Eng …
Feb 15, 2021 · Method 2: Calculate the tributary area of the joist; and their point loads delivered to the girders. Then the girder loads going into the columns. I read an article recently (which I cannot remember where) that said calculating the tributary area via Method 1 is always more conservative because some double counting happens.
Roof suction and tributary area 1 - Eng-Tips
May 25, 2023 · The rafters should be sized based on the effective tributary width of the rafter, the connections at each end of the rafter should be sized based on the tributary area of the connection (half of the tributary area of the rafter, not half of the effective tributary area), and the ridge beam should be sized for the tributary area of the ridge beam.
Show tributary area - Computers and Structures: ETABS - Eng-Tips
Mar 31, 2022 · Hi, I would like to visualize on the etabs model the output of the calculation of the tributary areas of a concrete floor (slab) on the columns, in order to check the results with the manual calculation. Is it possible to show it graphically (with …
TRIBUTARY AREA SAP 2000 V8 - Computers and Structures: …
Dec 21, 2004 · I want to apply a roof load by using an area element so it will be distributed to the supporting elements automatically with the tributary area corresponding to each element, but something is not right. All the modifiers of the area element are zero because I just need to apply the roof load to...
Live LOad Reduction ( Tributary area and Influence ARea ) 1 - Eng …
Nov 8, 2019 · Hello All, I have read that to determine the "Tributary area" for a Column by Taking the half-area each way, aka "simple tributary area", will always underestimate the reactions to interior columns. and using the unit load approach will give more accurate results for …
Transfer Design Reactions - Static Analysis or Tributary Area? 2
Jan 8, 2006 · We have building analysis software that allows reactions to be provided from: tributary area analysis (similar result as hand calcs); or by static analysis (utilizes superstructure stiffness). My current approach to building design is to use the tributary area analysis reactions to design transfer elements and to use the worst case of static ...