Questions about Wonder of U's Potential Usage : r/JoJolion - Reddit
Jan 15, 2023 · For example, if Diavolo decided to pursue the user, could Wonder of U send calamity his way in the form of the events of JoJo Part 5? If the answer is yes, would it be feasible to say that Wonder of U's user also has the ability of every other Stand since it could potentially send other Stand users after the enemy as a form of calamity?
People are misunderstanding Wonder of U : r/StardustCrusaders
Oct 30, 2023 · It is an automatic/passive stand and can only be triggered if one has the intent to pursue the stand/user. These aren’t just an ordinary calamities, wou can make calamities even more hurtful and stronger like a cigarette impaling josuke’s hand just at a slow speed, raindrops with the force of bullets, a leaf somehow cutting off Joshu’s ...
Ways to beat Wonder of U : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
Aug 24, 2021 · The first would be to kill the user in 1 blow and then hope the calamity isn’t too big or somehow avoid it (Love train could do this) issues with this are clear, WOU’s user doesn’t make it clear they are in fact a stand user and most people would approach the head dr (the stand itself) we don’t know how durable the stand is so it might ...
[Jojolion] Wonder of U is a decent stand in theory, but ... - Reddit
Feb 20, 2023 · Wonder of U is triggered by the intent to pursue, but the rules of pursuit change every in every instance that the stand is shown. This isn't even the first time that a main villain's stand ability has been simplified/altered/worked differently from time to time, but never before have the rules of a stand changed so rapidly.
My best stand description of Wonder of U (Heavy Part 8 ... - Reddit
Aug 24, 2020 · WoU, when not controlled by its user, Tooru, is fully autonomous, acting like a regular (yet strange) human in its first form, to blend in with society. Others can even hold a consistent conversation with the stand. Ability 2: Calamity Generation (Crazy Train, maybe) Wonder of U's second and main ability is to create what it calls, 'Calamities'.
Thoughts about Wonder of U : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
May 9, 2023 · Secondly, Soft and Wet - Go Beyond created a sphere made of a spinning string so thin it was nonexistent, kinda like the square root of negative 1. Though hard to control, because it technically did not exist, it wasn't a viable target for Wonder of U's power and it was effective against the Stand's User.
Why is Wonder of u is the strongest stand and what it is the
May 3, 2022 · It entirely depends on who is fighting it I suppose. If the stand relies on user agency then WoU could probably win. If it is a sentient, reality-breqking stand like GER, WoU would lose since GER could remove the effects of calamity before it …
Silly question on Wonder of U's appearance : r/JoJolion - Reddit
Jul 2, 2021 · I think of it more like a "wearable" stand (kinda like Ghiaccio's or Secco's): if you can see stands, then you can see Wonder of U. Otherwise, you're just going to see the standard Head Doctor. Imagine a non stand user looking at Ghiaccio with his stand activated: they would just be seeing a normal man doing crazy shit like ice-skating on the ...
Wonder of U ability discussion : r/JoJolion - Reddit
Mar 30, 2024 · Like can the stand choose how severe the calamity be? Can Wonder of U choose which person is targeted with the calamity? Like if a follower and an enemy is looking at Wonder of U’s back, could it ignore its ally and just kill the enemy? What would happen if someone actually got close or tried to shoot the stand user?
WONDER OF U (Stand concept) : r/YourBizarreAdventure - Reddit
Jan 24, 2021 · Wonder of u is a long range stand with low damage but with terryifying abilities that allows him to always have control over the situation. -Q(Stand sumon): Just a stand sumon with a golden/purple aura and this pose: -This would be his idle pose--E(Stand barrage): Wonder of u attacks with a mediocre barrage dealing 0.8 damage per hit.