The ODI was founded in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, placing us at the heart of the data economy. Our primary mission is to foster transparency, accountability, and innovation through data.
Open Data Maturity Model - The ODI
Download the Open Data Maturity Model guide. Download the Open Data Maturity Model assessment grid. The Open Data Maturity Model supports the assessment of operational and strategic activities around open data, provides guidance on potential areas for improvement, and helps organisations compare themselves against one another to highlight their respective strengths and weaknesses, adopt best ...
About the ODI | The ODI
The Open Data Institute (ODI) is a non-profit company advancing trust in data for transparency, accountability, and innovation. Founded in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, we deliver data policies and practices to drive social, economic, and technological advancements. We promote effective data infrastructure, emphasising the value of …
Our theory of change | The ODI
Three activities create impact from data. stewarding data – collecting it, maintaining it and sharing it; creating information from that data – in the form of products and services, analyses and insights, or stories and visualisations; deciding what to do – informed by information from multiple sources along with experience and understanding; Each of these activities can be carried out ...
Tools - The ODI
The ODI was founded in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, placing us at the heart of the data economy. Our primary mission is to foster transparency, accountability, and innovation through data.
Building Healthy Data Ecosystems - The ODI
Data ecosystems: Strategies for change and barriers to success. The aim of this session is to enable participants to confidently work within their own ecosystems and begin to apply ecosystem mapping and theories of change to help create strategies for building healthy data ecosystems.
ODI and Solid: Building a future where data works for everyone
From October 2024, the ODI will bring Solid - an open standard developed to give individuals and organisations greater control over their data - into its broader data stewardship activities.
Our vision, mission and principles | The ODI
Principle 1: We believe that a strong data infrastructure is the foundation for building an open, trustworthy data ecosystem on a global scale and that this can help address our most pressing challenges Principle 2: Strong data infrastructure includes data across the spectrum, from open to shared to closed.But the best possible foundation is open data, supported and sustained as …
Student Support - ODI Learning
ODI Learning offers courses that are friendly, supportive and fun.No question is a silly question in our classrooms, and our expert trainers will arm you with all the practical skills you need for applying what you’ve learnt to the real world.
Guides - The ODI
The ODI was founded in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt, placing us at the heart of the data economy. Our primary mission is to foster transparency, accountability, and innovation through data.