petroleum - Will kerosene reserves deplete long before oil? - Earth ...
Oct 13, 2018 · This is why different crude grades sell for different prices (usually relative to a standard like West Texas Intermediate or Brent). Generally, the more light fractions like …
atmospheric optics - Unusual small bright ring in storm cloud
Aug 31, 2020 · I was taking photos of a storm moving through the area, Southwest of Fort Worth, Texas and caught this image in one of the series.
climate - Why does winter get colder after the solstice? - Earth ...
The west coast is even more extreme, with some places having the warmest day in September. Conversely, desert areas in the southwest (southern Arizona, New Mexico, western Texas) …
Does a geomagnetic storm visibly deflect a compass?
Compass angles (positive West, negative East) measured at BGS Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories during 2003-10-29 and 2003-10-30. The the biggest change is seen at …
What impact on climate did 2011 earthquake and tsunami have?
False! the tsunami caused major upwellings of cold subsurface waters and even slowed, temporarily stopped or shifted some ocean currents. All this led to the drought that plagued the …
Is the sunlight on the GOES-16 Imagery reaching from the east?
Feb 16, 2020 · I was wondering is the sunlight reaching from the general direction east? I came to this conclusion because the image is so dark on the west side however I am not 100% sure.
Why does it snow in Harbin, China but not in Venice, Italy?
Jun 20, 2024 · Here, winter systems moving in directly from inland Canada ("Alberta clippers") typically bring less than 10 cm snow accumulation; while those that develop around the …
Are These Leaf Fossils Found Near a Texas Lake Shore?
Sep 19, 2023 · Location: Found near a lake shore in Texas. Surrounding Geology: The geological context is not yet determined. I have taken multiple photographs from various angles, and …
What are Atmospheric Rossby Waves and how do they affect the …
Nov 4, 2020 · I've been researching Atmospheric Rossby waves but from the multiple sources I used they all seem to be in conflict. Some say Rossby waves are parcels of air moving from …
Newest 'seasons' Questions - Earth Science Stack Exchange
Nov 22, 2024 · The rasputitsa is a muddy season that happens twice per year in West Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It happens in mid-October to late November due to rains, and mid …