Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Dedicated to working with the citizens and businesses of the state while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin.
Go Wild - Wisconsin DNR
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is making it easier than ever to get out and Go Wild by offering key licenses and registrations all in one place. Go Wild puts a license to excitement right at your fingertips, 24 hours a day.
Permits | Wisconsin DNR
General information for many common licenses and permits issued by the DNR for recreation, environmental, professional/commercial, businesses and municipalities. Also, information for boat and recreational vehicle registrations and trail passes; …
Contact - Wisconsin DNR
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 101 S. Webster Street PO Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707-7921
Hunt - Wisconsin DNR
In the months leading up to the various Wisconsin seasons, hunters across the state anxiously await their favorite time of year. Time spent honing shooting skills, readying equipment and scouting the land for game are enjoyable pastimes and can pay off when the season opens.
Fishing - Wisconsin DNR
Not familiar with Wisconsin fishing? Get the information you need to get out on the water, have fun and try your luck!
Parks | Wisconsin DNR
The Wisconsin State Park System provides places for outdoor recreation and for learning about nature and conservation. State parks, forests, trails and recreation areas see more than 20 million visits a year.
Resident licenses - Wisconsin DNR
Available for purchase at DNR locations. See website for additional information.
Home | Wisconsin DNR
Keep electronics out of Wisconsin’s landfills by finding a drop-off site or collection event near you. Read more Give to the Endangered Resources Fund On Your Wisconsin Income Tax Form
About | Wisconsin DNR
In partnership with individuals and organizations, DNR staff manage fish, wildlife, forests, parks, air and water resources while promoting a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities.