Labidochromis freibergi - Wikipedia
Labidochromis freibergi is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known to occur around Likoma Island in areas with rocky substrates. This species grows to a length of 8 centimetres (3.1 in) TL. [2] The specific name of this species honours the American fish importer Jacob Freiberg. [3]
Labidochromis freibergi - Malawi Mayhem Species Profiles
A site dedicated to Lake Malawi cichlids. Complete with an on-line store, discussion forums, species profiles, member's tank pics, articles, books, videos and helpful links. Come check us out!
15 Amazing Mbuna Cichlid Types - VIVO Pets
Sep 15, 2022 · Freibergi Cichlid (Labidochromis freibergi) This hardy and mostly peaceful fish is suitable for beginners. Like all mbunas, this fish is native to Lake Malawi in Africa.
Labidochromis freibergi - zoopet.com
Labidochromis freibergi Tidigare vetenskapligt namn: Labidochromis ewarti Familj: Cichlidae Handelsnamn: Ewarti, Freibergs labido Ursprung: Malawisjön: Vid Likoma-öns nordöstra del.
Jul 8, 2008 · TEMPERAMENT: Males can be very territorial. The Friebergi is one of the more aggressive species in the labidochromis family. Even disadvantaged with its size this fish is still capable of causing havoc amongst its own species.
Labidochromis freibergi - Malawi-Germany
Oct 11, 2016 · Dieser Labidochromis Vertreter ernährt sich vorwiegend vom Felsenaufwuchs. Dennoch werden auch gerne Insektenlarven genommen. Wir stufen die Art dennoch als "limnivor" ein.
Labidochromis freibergi - iNaturalist
Labidochromis freibergi is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known to occur around Likoma Island in areas with rocky substrates. This species grows to a length of 8 centimetres (3.1 in) TL.
ITIS - Report: Labidochromis freibergi
4 days ago · Labidochromis freibergi Johnson, 1974 Taxonomic Serial No.: 649135 (Download Help) Labidochromis freibergi TSN 649135 Taxonomy and Nomenclature Kingdom: Animalia : Taxonomic Rank: Species : Synonym(s): Common Name(s): Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: valid Data Quality Indicators: ...
Labidochromis freibergi | Cichlid Room Companion
Feb 14, 2010 · Labidochromis freibergi species profile, with information about taxonomy, distribution, natural history, aquarium keeping, and conservation; including pictures, videos, and an extensive bibliography
Labidochromis freibergi
Jan 23, 2001 · According to Konings, L. freibergi is exported as "Labidochromis Ewarti," a name without scientific standing. This species lives "[i]n the turbulent part of the rocky habitat" at Likoma (Konings, 1995c: 40) .
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